27th annual Premier’s Scholarship Luncheon

October 18, 2024, marked the 27th annual Premier’sScholarship Luncheon, which is a long-standing celebration of excellence withthe recipients, the Premier of Alberta, and our community supporters.  Since its inception in 1994, this has becomea highly anticipated event where attendees get to see first-hand how thesescholarships can positively change the lives of well-deserving students.  The prestige of receiving the award wasaugmented because they were personally handed out by Premier Danielle Smith.

Lauren Summerfeldt, the 2024 Premier’s Chiu School of BusinessScholarship recipient is grateful for the support this award provided her.

“The impact of this scholarship extends beyond its financial value. Itis a lifeline that represents hope and opportunity and presents a beacon ofhope amidst challenging times,” says Lauren. “It is recognition for myresilience and commitment to improving our lives, and I feel fortunate to be arecipient for this award.”

The event also serves as an invaluable fundraising opportunity that hasraised $2 million over time, which has benefitted over 300 students. Thisyear’s event was no exception with a total of $135,775 brought in throughsponsorships and donations.  

As Calgary’s largest downtown post-secondary campus, Bow Valley Collegeis where professional journeys start and where we provide students with theopportunities and experiences to launch, advance, and evolve careers.Everything we do empowers students to achieve success through high-quality,career-relevant programs, and personalized wrap-around supports. The Premier’sScholarships is one example of how we help reduce barriers to accessing apost-secondary education, in addition to equipping them with the resources,tools and knowledge they need to not only graduate but also thrive in theirchosen careers. This will lead to transformative change to our city’s economyand workforce now and well into the future.

Thank you to the Government of Alberta, and all of the sponsors anddonors for sharing in our passion to see our students thrive and being a partof our impact that is felt locally and globally.

We gratefully acknowledge the generous supporters of the event:

Fund Development and Alumni Engagement
345 - 6 Ave SE  
Calgary, AB T2G 4V1

Charitable registration No.
87843 1683 RR0001
We are proud of our track record managing donor funds. In 2022-23, Bow Valley College raised $4,07 million with a fundraising cost of $0.25 for every dollar raised. 100% of all donor funds are directed towards students through bursaries, student awards, and other programs supporting student success.