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December 3, 2024 is

Giving Day

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The Bear necessities: One College. Every Student.  

Giving Day 2024

Raised of $50,000

Our friends at Pathways Alliance have committed to match every gift dollar-for-dollar up to $2,500 per donation, while funds last.

We are excited to kick off the 2024 Giving Day by highlighting our new mascot – the Bear. Unveiled in the fall, it is a symbol of strength, intelligence, and resilience which is a true reflection of our campus spirit.

That is why this year our focus is on the Bear necessities to support funds that will help address the current greatest needs of our students to empower them with the tools and knowledge they need to not only graduate but also thrive in their chosen careers.

Donations made between December 2 - 6 will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $2,500 per gift while matching funds last, thanks to the generosity of Pathways Alliance.  We are grateful to Pathways Alliance for being a long-time supporter of Bow Valley College.

By donating now, you can double your impact; positively changing the lives of our students and campus community.

Below are some of our greatest Bear necessities:

Finish Line Fund

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This fund supports students specifically in their final program years to ensure they have the financial assistance needed to complete their studies and graduate.

The Bears Esports Momentum Fund

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The BVC Bears are coming to life through our first-ever competitive varsity team in Esports. This brand-new fund will support students by helping to reduce the financial stresses that come along with trying to balance academic and athletic commitments.

Barrier-Free Food Security Bursary

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With the cost of living and pursuing a post-secondary education on the rise, providing food security to our students continues to be critical. This fund is needed now more than ever to support this increasing need among our student body.

Bow Valley college Fund

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Support towards this fund allows the college to be nimble in meeting the greatest needs of our students. We can allocate financial assistance to meet their needs and ensure they can continue to complete their studies with less stress.

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Giving Day 2023 at Bow Valley College

Your impact of Giving

Last year’s Giving Day raised $64,000 in support of our learners’ greatest needs including the Bert Foster Christmas Fund, the BVC Fund, Financial Needs Bursaries, Food Insecurity Emergency Bursaries, our Soup Socials and the ELL Emergency Fund.

"Thank you for establishing a scholarship at Bow Valley College. It is an honour to be this year’s recipient of the Business and Professional Women’s Club of Calgary – School of Health and Wellness. I am studying in the Practical Nurse Program, and I am currently in my 3rd term. My goal is to be working in Maternity of trauma.

I am a mom of three and this has been very gruesome for our life, lots of changes and lots of stress for everyone with these changes. I volunteer with my local fire department as helping others is a huge passion of mine and I have always enjoyed learning new skills. With that, job events are always different, so skills are always being learned.

I appreciate this very much and I am so very thankful for this honor of receiving this award."

Cassandra Morris, Business and Professional Women’s Club of Calgary – School of Health and Wellness Award Recipient

"Thank you for establishing a scholarship at Bow Valley College. It is an honour to be this year’s recipient of the Rotary Literacy Bursary. I am studying Reading, Writing 4, and math 3. My future goal is to finish the high school Upgrading program and enroll in the Practical Nurse program.

I am a single mother of 4 children. I have 2 boys and 2 girls. I am originally from Syria and came to Canada in 2017. I have been a student at Bow Valley College for 4 years.

Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it."

Raeda Al Ghothani, 2024 Award Recipient

"I warmly thank you for accepting me as your member of recipient for this wonderful award. This award gives me courage to study hard and continue to achieve my goals. When I came to Calgary for the first time in2019, I was in CCIS for one year and then in 2021 I joined BVC for ELL classes about one years and half. I started the Upgrading program last Sept. 2022, and now I am in grade 10 Upgrading.

I am originally from North, Sudan, and I grew-up with family in Singeta, Darfur, Sudan. In Sudan we do not have enough school in small villages and two to three villages share elementary schools. Every child must study in religious schools to learn how to pray. Because of that I did not finish a higher education. When I left my home country, I tried my best to learn English classes. For that reason, I am here today to pursue my dream goals to serve in society.

Thank you again, I really appreciate this generous award."

Bashar Adam Ibrahim, 2024 Award Recipient

"Thank you for the Rotary Literacy Bursary award. I really appreciate it.

A huge thank you to my Math instructor Sahar for nominating me for this award."

Zeyneb Bengriba, 2024 Award Recipient

“I am writing to express how happy I am to have won this award.

I recently had a financial issue, which I resolved with the scholarship funds I received.

Once again, I am extremely delighted for your support."

Mohammad Ghannizada, 2024 Award Recipient

“Thank you so much, I’m grateful to receive the Rotary Literacy Bursary. I am currently studying English Writing, reading and basic math 2. I have registered for my next classes which will begin in September.

I also couldn’t do this without my instructors. I’m very grateful, and I’m so glad that Bow Valley College accepted me as a student. I’m determined to work hard even if I struggle a bit due to my disability. With all the support around me I’m sure I will succeed in my education. I love going to school so much, and when I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel, I had to drop out of school and work for 10 years. Since I received my surgery, I didn’t waste any more time, I just registered to school immediately and I’ve been going to Bow Valley College ever since.

I’m originally from Ghana. I love swimming, hiking near the mountains and I volunteer for multiple Charities in my free time. My aspirations are to become either a social worker or a fashion designer. I’m still trying to figure that out. I’m hoping I’ll get help soon to get my learning assessment test done so I can know where my barrier of my disability is at. I’m not intending to give up, since I’ve come a long way to reach where I am now. I want to continue to move forward towards a great path ahead.

Thank you so much again!”

Sadadata Basa, Rotary Literacy Bursary Award Recipient

Frequently asked questions

How will my gift be matched?

Through the generosity of Pathways Alliance, your gift to the College during our Giving Day initiatives can have double the impact. Individual donations made between December 2 - 6, 2024 are eligible for matching – up to $2,500 per gift - while the matching funds last.

How do I make a gift to participate in Giving Day?

Gifts can be accepted online through our Giving Page.  Cheques can also be sent in that are dated and postmarked between December 2nd to 6th.  Please make cheques payable to “Bow Valley College” and sent to:

Bow Valley College
Fund Development and Alumni Engagement
Attn: Zainab Malik
345 6 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2G 4V1

What areas can I give to?

In the spirit of our new mascot – the Bear – and what it symbolizes, we have identified key funds that support areas of greatest needs for our students. You may select one of those or donate to a fund of your choice. Please contact Zainab Malik at or 403.410.1738 for more information on donating to a fund that is not listed on the online donation page or how to create a new fund.

Will I receive a tax receipt?

Yes! For any eligible gifts above $20, you will receive a tax receipt emailed to you immediately after your online donation. If you give via cheque, your tax receipt will be mailed by December 31, 2024.

Fund Development and Alumni Engagement
345 - 6 Ave SE  
Calgary, AB T2G 4V1

Charitable registration No.
87843 1683 RR0001
We are proud of our track record managing donor funds. In 2022-23, Bow Valley College raised $4,07 million with a fundraising cost of $0.25 for every dollar raised. 100% of all donor funds are directed towards students through bursaries, student awards, and other programs supporting student success.